Saturday, June 19, 2010

Plenty of Humor and Thrills: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Release Date: June 23rd, 1989
Runtime: 93 min
Rating: PG
Appropriate for Ages: 4 and up

I had a blast watching Honey, I Shrunk the Kids back in the early 90's, and I appreciate it just as much now. Who couldn't have fun watching kids run though a forest of giant grass, ants that you can ride and legos you can sleep in?

Wayne Szalinski, an obsessed scientist, can't seem to get his miniaturization machine to work. He's stumped as to why it only seems to blow things up. Then one day one of the neighbor's kids next door hits a baseball though the attic window and it hits his machine which gets it working.When the kids next door come over to apologize and get their baseball back they get miniaturized along with Wayne's kids. Wayne accidentally sweeps all of them up and takes them out in the garbage. From there it's up to the kids to find their way back home through the now terrifying back yard with giant bugs, hurricane-like sprinklers and the lawn mower...

If for some reason you haven't seen Honey, I Shrunk the Kids yet please do, or please at least show it to your kids. It seems they don't make too many gems like this any more.

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids on IMDB
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Trailer

If you've seen Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and enjoyed it you may also like: Honey, I Blew Up the KidHoney, We Shrunk OurselvesGooniesThe Ant BullyThe Borrowers

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