Saturday, June 19, 2010

Delightful Classic Fantasy: The Neverending Story

Release Date: July 20th, 1984
Runtime: 102 min
Rating: PG
Appropriate for Ages: 8 and up

The Neverending Story is another film I've watched many times while growing up. It's still fun to watch today as an adult and has only lost some of its magic for me through the years.

The Neverending Story is the tale of a lonely young boy named Bastian who is bullied by several of his classmates. One day when Bastian is running from the bullies he takes refuge in an old book shop. In the shop he is attracted to a strange leather bound novel. The store keeper warns him to keep away from it and that it is dangerous. Unable to resist Bastian "borrows" the book and retreats to an attic where he begins reading the story. The book is about a magical world called Fantasia that is in peril and on the brink of destruction by the storms of "nothingness". The gravely ill childlike princess sends a young warrior named Atreyu to find a way to save the kingdom. As Bastian becomes more and more immersed in the story he realizes that the characters are becoming aware of him and he's being written into the book.

The Neverending Story is an enjoyable ride where we see all sorts of fantasy creatures, strange lands and some unforgettable characters. I'd definitely recommend this for a fun watch to anyone but the wee little ones.

The Neverending Story on IMDB
The Neverending Story Trailer on YouTube

If you've seen The Neverending Story and enjoyed it You may also enjoy: The Princess BrideLabyrinthEragonThe Dark CrystalThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeSpirited Away

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