Thursday, June 17, 2010

An Animated Classic: The Last Unicorn

Release Date: November 19th, 1982
Runtime: 92 min
Rating: G
Appropriate for Ages: All Ages

The Last Unicorn is one of those movies what I saw as a kid and just sort of forgot about it until a couple of years ago when someone brought it up in a conversation. I couldn't remember much about it, all I seemed to remember was that I didn't dislike it. I re-watched it again as an adult and I have to say it was definitely quite good. It has a different feel to it than many other child-oriented films. Although it was fantasy it was certainly no fairy-tale.

The Last Unicorn is the story of a unicorn named Amalthea who believes she is the last of her kind. In a quest to find the truth Amalthea joins up with a barmaid and a magician who transforms her into a human so that she can go unnoticed amongst humankind. They set out on a journey together to find the mysterious Red Bull who is rumored to capture and imprison unicorns.

The Last Unicorn was a wonderful tale of Love and Loss with some deep elements that adults can appreciate as well as children. If you haven't seen it yet or you watched it 20 years ago, it's certainly worth a watch again.

If you've seen The Last Unicorn and enjoyed it I would also recommend you watch: My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the FirefliesSpirited Away

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